Our Words Matter
Study after study has shown that the language (both verbal and non-verbal) we choose as educators matters. Language can help students feel seen and valued, helps us build trust with our students, guides our classroom management practices, and helps us implement equitable practices.
Academic and Emotional Safety
Use positive teacher language to create academic and emotional safety in your classroom.
Positive teacher language honors student identity and helps students feel seen and valued in your classroom.
Asset-based language and wise criticism are both equitable language practices that help all students feel seen and valued, while communicating high expectations.
Embrace the impact that positive language can make!
"Positive teacher language significantly changed the way I interacted with my students. It also became a tool for classroom management and eliminated many repetitive behaviors. Positive teacher language empowers students to reflect upon their choices, make better choices and to problem solve."
-Christine Weis, author of "For the Love of Teachers" blog
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