Asynchronous Support
Taking this course through Teachable allows you to learn anywhere, anytime at your own pace to support in-depth understanding!
Comprehensive Preparation
This course has 12 modules of information to prepare you for taking and passing the RICA in California. In addition to covering the 5 domains of the RICA, there are test taking tips and key strategies highlighted with demonstrations! Once you complete the course, you will have the option of purchasing one professional development unit from TCSJ!
Foundational Reading Skills
This course covers everything from foundational reading skills, such as print awareness and book conventions, to vocabulary and comprehension.
Each domain of the RICA is covered in depth so that you develop an understanding of how the RICA works and what you need to know.
To enhance comprehension, a study guide is provided that highlights key takeaways to know in order to pass the RICA.
When you're in control of the pacing, focus, and dedication, you can learn anytime, anywhere-- and experience success when taking the RICA! At the end of the course, you will have the option of purchasing one professional development unit from TCSJ!
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We are in the process of adding more and more courses to our Teachable catalog. Our most recent offerings are featured below.